Q: Where are you guys located?
A: We are physically located in Fort Myers, Florida. We not have a brick and mortar store at this time, but we are open to all customers on our website 24/7/365.

Q. Your apparel is AMAZING! Can you make custom orders for my staff / to resell? YES! Starting March of 2023, we have opened the doors to make custom logo / names on our apparel. We can even help you make ANY design that would truly be your and unique to really separate yourself in a “dog eat dog” world (dad joke). Simply send an email to wholesale@loyaltypetproducts.com or look for our custom apparel tab on our home page!

Q: Why should I try out your shears compared to other brands that have been in the business a lot longer than you?
A: Lots of reasons, really. We are a small family business that is working hard for you. We have a 30 day, risk-free guarantee (see below). We are down-to-earth people who see you as a groomer in our industry, not just another numbered customer. As we grow, we will offer more contests, instructional (and fun) videos for free, and flash sales for our growing family members. Finally, we know that these are not just scissors – they are an extension of your craft and creativity. With this in mind, we will be rolling out some amazingly beautiful designs that this industry has never seen while still keeping them at a very affordable price point.

Q: What exactly is the 30 day risk-free guarantee?
A: We stand by our products and will gladly refund our customers if our shear does not meet your standards of quality within 30 days of purchase. Policy does not include loss, theft, drops, or product malfunctions due to excessive or abusive use of shears. The guarantee is only available to the original purchaser and is not transferable. Original receipt or invoice is needed at time of return. Customer is responsible to pay for shipping and handling on return of item – this helps keep our costs low for you, the groomers. Product must be returned in sturdy packaging with product bubble wrapped.

Q: I had a charge on my statement from Ry Enterprises, Inc. – What is this?

A: This is a charge for Loyalty Pet Products, which is a DBA of our umbrella company, Ry Enterprises, Inc. This charge is indeed correct and valid and no need to worry.

Q: Where do I send any returns or exchanges?

We do not pay for return shipping, but we will cover the cost to send the exchanged item back to you
A: The address to send your returns or exchanges is:
Loyalty Pet Products 40991 Horseshoe Road
Punta Gorda, FL 33982

Q: What do I include in the package:

  • Your return shipping address is absolutely necessary
  • Name and daytime telephone number
  • Brief note identifying your issue (quantity, size, brand, markings, etc.).
  • Please write CLEARLY and LEGIBLY

Return Priority Shipping Costs is included in your overall cost (unless for international shipping)

Q: How should I pack my shears?
A: Ideally, put your shears in whatever case they came in and wrap them in newspaper, bubble wrap, etc. Then put them in some package with extra filler if necessary to keep from moving upon delivery.

Other Questions

Q: I really love your company! Are you hiring?
A: We are not officially hiring employees at this time. However, if you are interested in making some extra money in commission sales, you can e-mail us directly at mail@loyaltypetproducts.com with the title COMMISSION. We can discuss a possible deal to give you a code to get you 5-10% commission.

Q: Where else are you guys on social media?
A: We are located on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Twitter. It would benefit for you to add us on there as we do flash sales and contests quite a bit!

Q: Do you guys sell your swag gear like the magnets, pens, etc? I love them!
A: As of right now, those are little gifts of love that we enjoy giving out to our customers. We are always thinking of fun little items of swag to give our stylists that purchase with us, but we may open the door to merchandise for sale on here.

Q: Do you go to any grooming conventions?
A: Yes! In the past we have attended: SuperZoo, Hershey Groom Expo, Groom Expo West, Global Pet Expo, New England Grooming Show, All-American Grooming Show, Fun in the Sun, PetQuest and others!

Q: Why should I sign up on your e-mail list? I don’t want spam.
A: We know how busy your lives are and how ‘junky’ your mailbox probably already is. We will not spam you to death and only offer you sales at the rate of around once a month. We will offer you pre-orders on products before they are released to the public, flash sales and coupon codes that others do not get.  What’s not to love? You can always opt-out of the emails by unsubscribing, but you will hurt our feelings and your wallet.

Q: I am in love with your shears! How can I tell the world?
A: Again, if you think you can sell for us, definitely e-mail us. If you just want to boast at how awesome of a groomer you are using our beautiful shears, well that’s fine with us, too! The easiest way is to post on our Facebook page and Instagram, tagging us. We LOVE seeing happy customers, so please share the love!

Q: I don’t see my question on here. Who can I contact?
A: No problem! You can simply visit our Contact Page. You can also call us direct at 863.576.5109

*If you have cut an animal while grooming with one of our extremely sharp shears, do not call us – you know better to call a vet 🙂